Currency |
Korea`s official monetary unit is the won.
The Korean currency consists of a fifty thousand, ten thousand, five thousand and one thousand won note, and five hundred, one hundred, fifty and ten won coins. |
Weather |
Korea has four seasons, with a wet monsoon/summer season in the middle of the year, and a cold winter from November to March. The ideal time to visit Korea is during the autumn months (September-November). During this time, the country experiences warm, sunny weather, skies that are cobalt blue and spectacular foliage that is perhaps the biggest draw. |
Local Time |
The official time in Korea throughout the conference is nine hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT +9).
*Read the graph vertically to compare the time differences between cities from around the world. |
City |
Time |
Seoul, Tokyo
(Korea Time) |
Taipei, Manila, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore |
Bangkok, Jakarta |
23:00 |
2:00 |
5:00 |
8:00 |
11:00 |
14:00 |
17:00 |
20:00 |
New Delhi, Calcutta |
22:00 |
1:00 |
4:00 |
7:00 |
10:00 |
13:00 |
16:00 |
19:00 |
Teheran, Kuwait, Jeddah |
19:00 |
22:00 |
1:00 |
4:00 |
7:00 |
10:00 |
13:00 |
16:00 |
Hamburg, Rome, Paris, Amsterdam |
17:00 |
20:00 |
23:00 |
2:00 |
5:00 |
8:00 |
11:00 |
14:00 |
London, Madrid |
16:00 |
19:00 |
22:00 |
1:00 |
4:00 |
7:00 |
10:00 |
13:00 |
Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo |
13:00 |
16:00 |
19:00 |
22:00 |
1:00 |
4:00 |
7:00 |
11:00 |
New York, Montreal, Bogota, Toronto |
11:00 |
14:00 |
17:00 |
20:00 |
23:00 |
2:00 |
5:00 |
8:00 |
Chicago, Houston |
10:00 |
13:00 |
16:00 |
19:00 |
22:00 |
1:00 |
4:00 |
7:00 |
Vancouver, Seattle, San Francisco,
Los Angeles |
8:00 |
11:00 |
14:00 |
17:00 |
20:00 |
23:00 |
2:00 |
5:00 |
Sydney, Melbourne |
2:00 |
5:00 |
8:00 |
11:00 |
14:00 |
17:00 |
20:00 |
23:00 |
Electricity and Voltage |
The standard voltage in Korea is 220 volts.
The outlet has two round holes and is the same type used in France, Germany, Austria, Greece, Turkey, and many other countries. |
1330 Information Centers |
The 1330 Korea Travel Hotline, operated by the Korea Tourism Organization, in a one-stop helpline avaliable as a public service for local and international travelers.
How to use 1330 Korea Travel Hotline
(https://english.visitkorea.or.kr/enu/TRV/TV_ENG_3_1.jsp) |
Useful Website |
Korea Tourism Organization: http://english.visitkorea.or.kr
Incheon International Airport: https://www.airport.kr/ap/en/index.do
Gimpo International Airport: http://www.airport.co.kr/gimpoeng/main.do