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10.1 (Fri)

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Room 1,2,4,5¿¡¼­´Â ÀϹݿ¬Á¦ ¹ßÇ¥°¡ ÁøÇàµË´Ï´Ù. Oral ¹Ù·Î°¡±â >

Room 3 - Joint Session: ´ëÇѸðüžÆÀÇÇÐȸ

Proper management of labor and delivery ³ëÁ¤·¡(¼º±Õ°üÀÇ´ë), ±è¿µÁÖ(ÀÌÈ­ÀÇ´ë)
08:00-08:20 Decision-making for emergency cesarean section ¿À¹ÎÁ¤(°í·ÁÀÇ´ë)
08:20-08:40 Diagnostic criteria for abnormal labor: ACOG guideline 2016 ¼º¿øÁØ(°æºÏÀÇ´ë)
08:40-09:00 Management of abnormal labors °íÇö¼±(°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë)
09:00-09:20 Review of 3-tier fetal heart rate interpretation system ¼³ÇöÁÖ(°æÈñÀÇ´ë)
09:20-09:40 Intrapartum management of category II FHB tracing ÀÌÁØÈ£(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë)
09:40-10:00 Neonatal outcomes in category II and III FHB tracing Á¤ÁøÈÆ(¿ï»êÀÇ´ë)

Room 1~5

10:20-11:00 °³È¸½Ä & ½Ã»ó½Ä ±è¿ëºÀ(´ëÇÑ»êºÎÀΰúÇÐȸ ȸÀå)
ÀÌÇÊ·®(´ëÇÑ»êºÎÀΰúÇÐȸ ÀÌ»çÀå)
¿ì¼öÇмú³í¹®¹ßÇ¥ ENG ¹ÚÁß½Å(¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë), ±è¼ºÈÆ(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë)
11:00-11:10 Pre-pregnancy risk factors for severe hyperemesis gravidarum: Korean population based cohort study ±èÈ£¿¬(°í·ÁÀÇ´ë)
11:10-11:20 E2F8 Induces Cell Proliferation and Invasion through the Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Notch Signaling Pathways in Ovarian Cancer ¾î°æÁø(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë)
Plenary I ENG ÀÌÅÃÈÄ(°æºÏÀÇ´ë), È«¼øö(°í·ÁÀÇ´ë)
11:20-11:40 Endometrial decidualization: preventing adverse outcomes before the pregnancy begins Errol Norwitz(Tufts Univ, USA)
11:40-12:00 Epigenetic dysregulation in endometriosis-related infertility Jae-wook Jeong(Michigan State Univ, USA)
Luncheon Symposium
12:00-13:00 HPV ¹é½Å, Á߳⠿©¼º°ú ³²¼º Á¢Á¾ÀÇ Çʿ伺 ÁÖ¿ø´ö(Â÷ÀÇ°úÇдë)

Room 3 - Joint Session: ´ëÇѺÎÀÎÁ¾¾çÇÐȸ

13:00-13:05 Opening Remark ±è¿µÅ (´ëÇѺÎÀÎÁ¾¾çÇÐȸ ȸÀå)
Session I Shooting stars in surgical field ENG ÁÂÀå: ±èÀç¿ø (¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë)
13:05-13:25 Laparoscopic surgery for isolated or localized tumors in gynecologic cancer Valerio Gallotta (IRCCS Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli, Italy)
13:25-13:30 Designated discussion ÀÌ»êÈñ (¿¬¼¼¿øÁÖÀÇ´ë)
13:30-13:50 HIPEC in recurrent ovarian cancer Oliver Zivanovic (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA)
13:50-13:55 Designated discussion Àå¼®ÁØ (¾ÆÁÖÀÇ´ë)
Session II Future direction ÁÂÀå: ÀÌÀç°ü (°í·ÁÀÇ´ë)
13:55-14:10 Liquid biopsy ÀÌ¿ìâ (¿ï»êÀÇ´ë Áø´Ü°Ë»çÀÇÇаú)
14:10-14:25 CAR T-cell therapy °í¿µÀÏ (¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë Ç÷¾×Á¾¾ç³»°ú)
14:25-14:40 Radiomics ¹Ú½ÅÇü (°æºÏÀÇ´ë ¹æ»ç¼±Á¾¾çÇаú)
Session ¥² Special lecture
14:40-15:00 Prevention of febrile neutropenia: prophylactic use of PEG G-CSF in gynecologic malignancies À̽ÅÈ­ (¿ï»êÀÇ´ë)
15:00-15:40 Coffee break

Room 1~5

Position Statement ±èÀç¿ø(¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë)
15:40-15:50 Patient blood management (PBM) in obstetrics ÃÖ¼¼°æ(°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë)
15:50-16:00 Patient blood management (PBM) in gynecologic surgery for benign tumor ÀÌ»ç¶ó(¿ï»êÀÇ´ë)
16:00-16:10 Çö¸íÇÑ ¼±ÅÃ(Choosing Wisely) ±è¹Ì¼±(Â÷ÀÇ°úÇдë)
Special Session II Çã¼ö¿µ(°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë), ¹Ú¹ÌÇý(ÀÌÈ­ÀÇ´ë)
16:10-16:30 Tdap ¹é½Å ÃֽŠ¾÷µ¥ÀÌÆ® Á¶±ÝÁØ(°í·ÁÀÇ´ë)
16:30-16:50 Optimizing Treatment for CIPN Patients À±ÁÖÈñ(°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë)
Plenary II ENG Ȳ°æÁÖ(¾ÆÁÖÀÇ´ë), ÀÌÁ¤¿ø(¼º±Õ°üÀÇ´ë)
16:50-17:10 Environmental endocrine disrupters Hugh Taylor(Yale School of Medicine, USA)
17:10-17:30 Surgical advances in the treatment of Gynecologic cancers Ernest Han(City of Hope, USA)
17:30-17:50 ½Ã»ó½Ä
Registration Deadline
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